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what we do

We Strive for Peaceful Life & Well-Being

what we do

We Strive for Peaceful Life & Well-Being

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Rojer Moore

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Basic Doctrines

Our Mission

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Our mission is to spread the good news of the gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ mainly through outdoor advertising methods, such as billboards, but we also utilize flyers, signs, and pamphlets. We restrict our messaging to that which only uses the gospel truths of the holy scriptures.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.

– Romans 1:16
We have a collective heart geared towards people trapped in churches with a false system of salvation. Many of us, having come out of a works-based churches, know how those trapped withing those systems feel – being held within those false doctrines and organizations with crippling fear. Not just fear of the leadership rebuking them, but reasonable fear of losing friends and family due to being rejected for leaving those churches.


Jesus said all authority is his, therefor we are to go and make disciples of all nations.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

– Matthew 28:19-20:

Accordingly, our mission is to reach the unsaved, whether they belong to false religious groups or have not yet heard the good news. Jesus has commissioned us to share the truth of the gospel of our Lord and savior and his kingdom. Thus, we feel it is part of our responsibility to proclaim the excellencies of Jesus, who calls us out of darkness into his marvelous light.


As noted elsewhere, many of us behind the Missions Possible ministry came out of false systems claiming to be “Christian.” Some of us spent decades in false systems of religion, believing could (or rather, had to) earn our way to salvation. Others came out of systems wherein the doctrine told us we were the only “Christians” entitled to salvation due to who our “leader” was. Subsequently, and only upon having the truth of the gospel of Christ revealed to us, our eyes being opened, we had many questions and a lot of baggage. Many Christians came along side of us and helped us in that walk. Naturally, we want to repeat this experience for those who are going through the same thing we went through, or simply have questions about Biblical Christianity. We, as a group, want to come along side you and help you with questions you may have about false systems and false beliefs (whether it be a works-based system, denial of the deity of Christ, or otherwise) that you may be trapped in or feel like you are imprisoned in.

Alternatively, if you are someone who simply has questions about Christianity and might be confused by all the different messaging out there, we want to direct you to the Biblical truth about Christ and the Gospel. Ask yourself a question – if I want to learn about Christ, where should I turn and what source can I trust? Should you trust yourself (i.e. your “feelings”), or can you simply pick a church at random? We believe that the only source of true knowledge of Christ, salvation, and what God gives and expects, is found in the Bible, which we believe is the inerrant word of God. What other source is, or could be, ultimately trustworthy?

Based on the foregoing, please use these excerpts and verses to guide you. As we continue to build on this foundation, please check back often and refer to this page for additional content.

Finally, please feel free to send us your questions and we will help answer those questions with the truth of God’s word.


Biblical Christianity – Salvation by Grace: The doctrine and message of the gospel that eternal life is not gained by or conditioned upon our works, but is an undeserved and free gift from God received through faith in Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior who died for our sins and rose from the dead. Contrasted with salvation by works. (Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5.)

Counterfeit Christianity – Salvation by Works: Any doctrine that denies salvation by grace alone by teaching that eternal life is merited, earned, conditioned, or maintained through human effort, religious ritual, financial donations, obedience to laws/commandments, church membership, and/or moral behavior.

Jesus’ Deity

Biblical Christianity – Jesus is God. (John 1: 1-5 , 1:14; Col 1:16-19; Isaiah 9:6; John 8:58) 

Counterfeit Christianity Jesus is a man who led a good life as an example, but not God. Jesus was a great teacher, but not God.  Jesus was one of many Gods.

The Status of the Bible

Biblical Christianity: The Bible consist of the Old and New Testament. (2 Tim 3:16) 

Counterfeit Christianity: We live by the New Testament only.